English 360

Celebrating English Language Day! Exciting Updates to the English 360° Platform

Sue Leeds

Apr 23, 2024 2 min read
Apr 23, 2024 2 min read

As we celebrate English Language Day, it's an opportune moment to reflect on the importance of this global lingua franca and embrace innovations that facilitate its mastery. In this spirit, we are excited to unveil several key updates to the English 360° certification platform, each designed to enhance the certification experience for both trainers and test-takers.


Introducing the Revamped English 360° Certificate - Coming Soon

Our major update is the launch of a redesigned English 360° certificate. This new format not only includes updated proficiency metrics like literacy and verbal scores but also features the test-taker's photo, adding a personal touch and an extra layer of verification. This comprehensive design meets the growing demands for detailed learner documentation.


Streamlined Onboarding for Test-Takers

We know that the initial steps towards certification set the tone for the entire learning experience. That’s why we’ve streamlined the onboarding process to make it clearer and more efficient. These improvements ensure that test-takers can begin their certification journey smoothly, with minimal hassle and maximum focus on their goals.


Enhanced Test Interface for a Better User Experience

Significant enhancements to our test interface now offer a more intuitive and secure user experience. Key improvements include an upgraded ID verification process and a modernized speaking interaction section. These changes enhance authentication and make the test more engaging.


Improved Data Management Features

To better assist our English 360° partners, we've implemented easier data upload and improved synchronization capabilities, ensuring administrative tasks are streamlined and efficient.

We are incredibly proud of these updates and eager to see their positive impact on our collaborative efforts. We thank all our partners for their continued support and enthusiasm.


Happy English Language Day to all!

About English 360°

English 360° is the most flexible, innovative, and affordable official certificate available for verifying English proficiency for recruitment, higher education admissions or after training. Approved by the French government and eligible for CPF funding, English 360° is also recognized by the CNED (Centre national d’enseignement à distance/National Center for Distance Learning).
Stay tuned! We will continue to update English 360°. If you have any questions or suggestions, please get in touch!

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English 360

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